Emily Giovine
emilygiovine.com @emilygiovine Throughout my life as a dancer and performer, I have been immersed in different methods of movement study. I first experienced yoga as a relief from several challenging years as a ...Kula Basics
at Kula Yoga Project (SoHo)
(481 Broadway, 3rd floor
(Grand & Broome)
Manhattan, NY
This event is closed for registration
(Basic/Int) Get in the Kula Flow! Kula style yoga is a deep, challenging practice that will make you stronger and more flexible on the outside and softer (and more flexible) on the inside. You are never too tight, too tall or too weak to begin. (There’s nothing we can do if you’re too much of a procrastinator to get here.) Open to beginners as well as those wanting a slower paced vinyasa class or those who wish to reconnect with the fundamentals of alignment and flow style yoga. Though we like to emphasize that these are not so much yoga basics classes (there are plenty of those around the city), as basic Kula style classes.