Andrea Baquero

ABOUT ANDREA BAQUERO Andrea is a professional pianist, journalist and educator. Andrea studied multiple somatic therapies and is certified as a breath coach, vibroacoustic and focalizing therapist, yoga instruct...

Golden Hour Sound Meditation


at Kula Yoga Project (Williamsburg) (85 N 3rd Street
(Berry & Wythe) Brooklyn, NY 11249)

Sound meditations offer an opportunity to connect to a vibrational exchange with harmonics and overtones through a range of instruments, our own voices, and the interplay between silence and sound. Tapping into our true frequency through active listening, exploring a level of heightened sensitivity to deep, restorative sound, directing us toward healing from within.

A sound meditation will foreground delicate chimes and antique Tibetan singing bowls, creating a landscape of sound and vibration that can hold our full awareness, move our attention beyond thought and analysis, toward presence and the inner nature of mind.