The Quiet Practices (yin, restorative, savasana) - Deep Kulification: 60 Hour Virtual Intensive for Students of All Traditions
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Kevin Bigger
e-ryt 500 yoga teacher and teacher trainer based in brooklyn, ny.
i started practicing yoga up in boston in my late teens, immediately after a period of massive (less than healthy) weight loss, and just before...
January 11
January 12
January 18
January 19
January 25
January 26
February 1
February 2
12-4pm (ET) Saturdays and Sundays (online)
28 hours of weekday guided self study, plus 32 hours of weekend live virtual sessions.
Attend from Anywhere in the World.
Open to dedicated students and teachers from all traditions.
After a certain point, going to group classes just isn’t enough. This 60 hour virtual intensive is intended for all students of yoga who feel an itch to dig deeper into yogic studies (even if you don’t necessarily feel the call to teach). A satisfying blend of recorded instruction and live virtual weekend sessions make this the perfect triage after the past few years of disrupted practice—and life. Your favorite Kula teachers will take you on a physical, philosophical and spiritual journey along the eightfold path. Topics we will cover: Invocation/the Mantra AUM, History of Yoga, The Namaskars, Applied Anatomy, the quiet practices (Yin & Restorative), Kula Basics, Social Justice & the 8 limbs, Meditation, Philosophy, Foundations, Pranayama, Bandha and various Asana modules and posture labs.
January 12
January 18
January 19
January 25
January 26
February 1
February 2
12-4pm (ET) Saturdays and Sundays (online)
28 hours of weekday guided self study, plus 32 hours of weekend live virtual sessions.
Attend from Anywhere in the World.
Open to dedicated students and teachers from all traditions.
After a certain point, going to group classes just isn’t enough. This 60 hour virtual intensive is intended for all students of yoga who feel an itch to dig deeper into yogic studies (even if you don’t necessarily feel the call to teach). A satisfying blend of recorded instruction and live virtual weekend sessions make this the perfect triage after the past few years of disrupted practice—and life. Your favorite Kula teachers will take you on a physical, philosophical and spiritual journey along the eightfold path. Topics we will cover: Invocation/the Mantra AUM, History of Yoga, The Namaskars, Applied Anatomy, the quiet practices (Yin & Restorative), Kula Basics, Social Justice & the 8 limbs, Meditation, Philosophy, Foundations, Pranayama, Bandha and various Asana modules and posture labs.
(This intensive is also a preparation for Kula's full 200 hour Teacher Training. Anyone completing the Intensive may attend the remaining 140 hours of the full TT in 2025 or in a future year).
Lead Instructors: Schuyler Grant & Nikki Vilella
Adjunct Instructors: Lauren Haythe, Kevin Bigger, Rebecca Ketchum, Nikki Costello, Naimah Efia, Megan Mook, + Giulia Pline
Price: $800 Early Bird ($1000 after 1/1)
No application necessary.