Kula Quickie (45 mins): Where Dandasana Leads Us

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Nikki Vilella

After moving to Tribeca over two decades ago, I stumbled upon a premie Kula on the way to the train. I went, was hands down hooked by the first hip opener, and the rest is history. I started teaching at Kula in 2...
(Suggested props: 1 bolster if you have it or two blankets/towles rolled to create a bolster. You can also do this class with no props). 

Dandasana is the Tadasana of seated postures. From it comes postures like sukhasana, janu sirsasana, padmasana, baddha konasana and upavishta. You will also do up dogs with different hand variations, surya namaskar A and a B variation, hit an ardha chandrasana, a handstand, and a crow. Savasana of course is the icing with the sprinkles on top.