Banded Bird Backs

Giulia Pline

I began studying and practicing yoga to supplement my dance training during my time as a B.F.A Dance major at The Boston Conservatory. Yoga became a natural extension of dance for me, providing a different path t...
Banded Bird Backs: Get ready to take flight. Start with deep abdominal and breath work with bands, fire up the quads and hip flexors, and progress to standing flows that will challenge your core integration, balance, and stability with resistance. Class leads up to eagle and crow.

Bands used in this class: 1 two loop band, 2 mini loop bands (1 of lighter resistance, 1 of a heavier resistance), 1 one loop band.
*Other props: 2 blocks.

Banded Kula Flow is a special class that combines the Kula Flow style yoga you love with strength + mobility exercises—all with resistance bands! There are so many fantastic reasons  you should consider adding resistance bands to your movement and yoga practice and you will reap some of the benefits with this special practice, including but not limited to: improving strength throughout your range of motion; increasing resiliency throughout your whole body; developing new movement skills; increasing proprioception aka awareness of where you are in space; sparking new inspiration, insight, and creativity to your personal practice; and/or teaching and developing a deeper connection to your body, mind, and breath! Are you ready to join the resistance?

Where can I purchase bands like Giulia's?

Mini bands:

Regular bands (Make sure to purchase a total of 4 individual resistance bands of the same color and resistance. Giulia recommends starting with bands of a medium resistance):

Bands needed to make the set:
2 mini bands, 1 of light resistance and the other of a heavier resistance
1 one loop band
2 two loop bands
1 open band
*Watch the Intro video for a tutorial on how to tie the loops!