Chelsey Kapuscinski

Chelsey Kapuscinski is a Certified Rolfer, Thai Bodyworker and Advanced Yoga Instructor who has been deeply immersed in studying the body since 2014. In her group yoga classes, she seeks to strike a balance betw...

Rolf-Yoga Intro Class


at Kula Yoga Project (Williamsburg) (85 N 3rd Street
(Berry & Wythe) Brooklyn, NY 11249)

Rolf-Yoga is an exploratory workshop-style class which encourages students to incorporate skillful embodiment and biomechanical practices on and off their mats. The goal is to live, move and breathe easier in our bodies, with less strain, pain and tension. This practice is deeply informed by principles of Rolfing bodywork.

In this intro class we’ll investigate:

  • Improving hand-balances through sensorimotor activation 

  • Stabilizing our standing balance and walking pattern 

  • Redefining the “Core” for strength that comes from ease

  • Cellular Breathing to release whole body tension